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View RecordNameBirth DateDeath DateLast Residence
Bruce L. Charlton Brown
xxxxxxx Lorain, Ohio, USA
Agnes B. Childers
xxxxxxxx Brooks, Georgia, USA
Bunnie Clark
xxx 1987
xxxxxxxxx Lauderdale, Mississippi, USA
Tressie Clark
xxxxxxxxxx Knox, Tennessee, USA
Darla S. Clark Brown
xxxxxx xxxxx Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Blanche Clary
xxxxxxxxx King, Washington, USA
Elbert Clyde Brown
xxxxxxx Saline, Missouri, USA
Nellie A. Colcord
xxxxxxxxxx Waldo, Maine, USA
V. A. Cole Brown
Lucy Colston
xxx 1975
xxxxxx xxxxxxxx Nueces, Texas, USA
Dortohy B. Comstock Duc?
xxxxxxx Lewis, Idaho, USA
Ardis A. Condon Brown
xxxxx xxxxxx Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA
Grace R. Conner Brown
xxxxxxxxxxx Portsmouth City, Virginia, USA
Gladys Cook Brown
xxx 1983
xxxxxxxxxxxx Cooke, Texas, USA
Michael M. Coomer Brown
Bertha Cooper
xxx 1975
xxxxxxx Caddo, Oklahoma, USA
Irma L. Coopwood
xxxxxxx Pima, Arizona, USA
Emma M. Copeland
x xxx 1996
xxxxxxxx xxxxx Coryell, Texas, USA
Michael Cordice Brow
xxxxxxxxxxx Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA
E. Corey Brown
xxx 1989

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