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View RecordNameBirth DateDeath DateLast Residence
Maude Cothern
xxxxxxx Lawrence, Mississippi, USA
Daniel W. Crane
xxxxxxxxxx Medina, Ohio, USA
Alma Crawley
xxx 1984
xxxxxxxxxxx Collingsworth, Texas, USA
Herma Cummings
xxx 1978
xxxxxx Summit, Ohio, USA
Rubene Cutler
xxx 1983
xxxxxxxxxxx Otero, New Mexico, USA
Rosemary D Alexander
xxxxxxxx Wayne, Michigan, USA
Jessie Dalrymple
xxx 1968
xxxxxxxx Harris, Texas, USA
Virginia Florence
xxx 1987
xxxxxxxxxx Oldham, Kentucky, USA
Helena Forsythe
xxxxxxxxxxxxx Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA
Myrtle Freeman
xxx 1972
xxxxxxxx Murray, Oklahoma, USA
Esther Gardner
xxx 1982
xxxxxxxxxx Mifflin, Pennsylvania, USA
Verna Garvan
x xxx 1993
xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx Garland, Arkansas, USA
Selma Bagby
xxx xxxxxxxx Los Angeles, California, USA
Ann Greenspan
xxxxxx xxxxx Los Angeles, California, USA
Hallie Hornuno
xxx 1968
xxx xxxxxx Los Angeles, California, USA
Octavia Johnson
xxx 1967
xxx xxxxx New York, New York, USA
Belle Joy
xxx 1968
xxxxxxxxx Wayne, Iowa, USA
C. A. Karlsen
xxx 1991
Betty Laska Alexan
xxxxxxxxxxxxx Jefferson, Pennsylvania, USA
Bennie McAlexander
xxx 1973
xxx xxxxxxx Shenandoah, Virginia, USA

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