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Common Nicknames Starting with "A"

When researching your family history on Ancestry, you may come across many nicknames for your ancestors, and some may not be immediately apparent. For example, did you know that "Al" is a common nickname for people named Albert or Alfred? Similarly, "Art" is a common nickname for Arthur, and "Abby" for Abigail. By understanding these nicknames, you can uncover more information about your ancestors and their lives.

On this page, we will dive deeper into the "A" nicknames and how they relate to family history work with Ancestry. From "Annie" to "Auggie," we"ll explore the origins and meanings behind these commonly used nicknames. Let"s get started!

Female Names Starting with "A"

Abigail - Nabby, Abby, Gail, Gubby
Adaline/Adeline - Addy, Ada, Dell, Lena
Adelaide - Adele, Addy, Della, Heidi
Adele - Dell, Addy
Adriana - Adria, Adri, Ana
Agatha - Aggy
Agnes - Aggy, Inez, Nessa
Aileen - Allie, Lena
Aimee - Amy
Alberta - Allie, Bert, Bertie
Alexandra - Alex, Alla, Sandy
Alexis - Alex, Lexi
Alfreda - Alfy, Freda, Frieda, Freddy
Alice - Allie, Elsie, Lisa
Alicia - Ali, Licia, Alice
Alina - Ali, Lina
Alison - Ali, Al, Allie
Allison - Ali, Allie, Ally
Alyssa - Aly
Amanda - Manda, Mandy
Amber - Ambie
Amelia - Emily, Mel, Millie
Amy - Ames
Anastasia - Ana, Stacy, Stasia
Andrea - Andi, Drea
Angela - Angie, Ange
Angelica - Angie, Angel
Angelina - Angie, Angel
Ann - Annie, Nan, Nana, Nanny, Nancy
Anna - Annie, Ann
Anne - Annie, Ann
Annette - Annie, Netty
Annika - Anni
Antoinette/Antonia - Nette, Tony, Netta, Ann
Anya - Annie
April - Apri
Arabella/Arabelle - Ara, Arry, Belle, Bella
Ariana - Ari
Ariel - Ari
Arlene - Arly, Lena
Armena - Arry, Mena
Arminta - Arry, Minta
Ashley - Ash, Asher
Aubrey - Aub, Bree
Audrey - Aud, Dree
Augusta - Augie
Augusta/Augustina - Aggy, Tina, Gatsy, Gussie, Tina
Aurora - Rory

Male Names Starting with "A"

Aaron - Erin, Ron, Ronnie
Abel - Ab, Abe, Ed, Ebbie
Abijah - Bige
Abner - Ab
Abraham, Abram - Abe
Adam - Ad, Ade
Adelbert - Ad, Ade, Albert, Bert, Elbert
Adolph/Adolphus - Ad, Olph, Dolph
Adrian - Ad, Ade, Dri
Aiden - Aid, Denny
Alan - Al
Albert - Al, Bert, Elbert
Aldrich - Al, Rich, Richie
Alec - Aleck, Alex
Alejandro - Alejo, Alex
Alexander - Al, Alex, Sandy
Alexei - Alex, Lex
Alfred - Al, Fred
Allan - Al, Allen, Ally
Alonso - Al, Lonnie
Alonzo - Al, Lon, Lonzo
Alvin - Al, Vin, Vinny
Amos - Amy
Anderson - Ander, Andy, Sonny
Andre - Andy, Dre
Andrew - Andy, Drew
Angel - Angie
Anthony - Tony
Antoine - Ant, Tony
Antonio - Ant, Tony
Apollo - Pollo
Archer - Arch
Archibald - Archie
Ari - Ari, Arik
Ariel - Ari
Arlo - Arl, Lo
Arnold - Arnie, Nold
Arthur - Art
Asa - Ace
Asher - Ash, Ashie
Ashton - Ash
Atticus - Atty
August - Auggie, Gus
Augustus - Gus
Austin - Aust, Aussie
Avery - Avy


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