When researching your family history on Ancestry, you may come across various nicknames that your ancestors went by. For instance, "Dan" is a common nickname for people named Daniel, while "Deb" is a popular nickname for Deborah or Debra. Similarly, "Dave" is a common nickname for David, and "Don" for Donald. By understanding these nicknames, you can gain more insight into your ancestors' lives and the people they were close to.
On this page, we will explore the "D" nicknames and how they relate to family history research with Ancestry. From "Danny" to "Dee," we'll delve into the origins and meanings behind these commonly used nicknames. Join us on this journey to uncover more about your family history!
Female Names Starting with "D"
Damaris - Dimmis
Danielle - Dani
Darlene - Lena, Darry
Davina - Vina
Deanna - Dee
Deanne/Deanna - Dee
Debora/Debra/Deborah - Deby, Debbie, Debby, Deb
Deborah - Deb, Debbie
Delilah - Dell, Della, Lillie, Lily, Lila
Delores - Dell, Lola, Della, Dee, Lolly, Dodie
Denise - Deni
Diana - Di
Diana/Diane - Didi
Diane - Di
Dominique - Dom, Nikki
Dorothy - Dolly, Dot, Dotty, Dottie
Male Names Starting with "D"
Dalton - Dahl, Dal, Tony
Daniel - Dan, Danny
Darian - Dar
David - Dave, Davey, Day
Delbert - Bert, Del
Demetrius - Demi
Dennis - Den
Dennison - Denny, Dennis
Derek - Der
Derrick - Eric, Ricky, Rick
Desmond - Des
Dominick - Nick, Dom
Donald - Donnie, Don
Donovan - Don
Douglas - Doug
Duane - Dewey
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