When researching your family history on Ancestry, you may come across various nicknames that your ancestors went by. For example, "Vic" is a common nickname for individuals named Victor or Victoria, while "Val" is a popular nickname for Valentine or Valerie. Similarly, "Vinnie" is a common nickname for people with names like Vincent or Lavinia, and "Vera" for Verona or Veronica.
On this page, we will delve deeper into the "V" nicknames and how they relate to family history research with Ancestry. From "Vi" to "Vance," we"ll explore the origins and meanings behind these commonly used nicknames. Join us on this journey to discover more about your family history and the people who have made your story possible!
Female Names Starting with "V"
Valentine - Felty, Tina, Val
Valerie - Val
Vanessa - Nessa, Essa, Vanna
Veronica - Franky, Frony, Ron, Ronnie, Ronna, Vonnie
Victoria - Vicky, Vic
Virginia - Ginger, Ginny, Jane, Jennie, Virgy
Virjean - Jean, Virgy
Vivian - Viv
Male Names Starting with "V"
Valentin - Val, Vince, Vinnie
Valentine - Val, Vince, Vinnie
Vernon - Vern
Victor - Vic
Vincent - Vince, Vinny
Vincent/Vinson - Vince, Vin, Vinny
Vladimir - Vladi, Vlad
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